I had these visions of being at the park with one child bleeding and the other crying and me looking like a deer in the headlights. So I whipped up this bag for the car using this tutorial. I hadn't made a zippered pouch before but the tutorial was really clear and it was super easy. The red-cross is attached with wonderunder and then a zig zag stitch. I lined the pouch with the same fabric and then packed it up with the essentials including some comfrey salve that miryam feels is complete magic.
Then I started working on a car bag to hang on the back of the driver's seat to keep some of miryam's stuff in to keep her occupied on long drives. I'll show pictures when I finish it. To go inside I made a pencil pouch. It sits open nicely next to her in the car seat so she can choose colored pencils without loosing them all over the floor.
I embroidered it using a chain stitch and a few french knots. They were a first and not as terrible as I thought.
It's also lined with a blue floral from my stash. Miryam loved it and it's gotten a lot of use already.
I want to get the car bag finished soon and think up some other goodies to pack in there. I gotta say that crafting is slow going with a newborn and a toddler but I feel some coming in my near future. If only for sanity's sake!
Such cute crafting, and so practical :-) I've only just heard of comfrey salve, I'll have to check it out. My magic salve has always been arnica.
Ah yes, we use arnica a lot but should be avoided on broken skin so we use comfrey or calendula for those ouchies.
Such great ideas! Thank you!
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