Two Thursdays ago I asked Miryam "when will our baby be born?" to which she replied quickly "in five days". Well, five days later Andy came home from school early and so we decided to enjoy the spring day and go for a walk. We had trouble finding an adapter to fit the hose to the sink so we could fill up the tub I was planning on birthing in (the same tub that Miryam and some of her friends were born in) so we headed down the bike path towards the hardware store. After that, a quick stop at the bank (and a quick rest for me on the nice soft chairs) and then off to a local diner for some lunch.
Once our belly's were full we sent Andy home on foot for the car and Miryam and I headed up the (seemingly infinite) hill to a playground. I was starting to feel tired and spacey so was happy to see Andy with the car after not too long. We went home and I took a nap. I woke up to some contractions and so I walked around tidying the house for a bit but before an hour was up the contractions were about 3 minutes apart. I called the midwives (the midwife I apprenticed with and my midwifery partner - both dear friends) and told them it was time.
Miryam played around for a couple of hours and then went to bed around nine. I thought for sure that would be difficult, with all the excitement, but some books and a snuggle from papa and she was out. I think the walk helped! A couple more hours of labor and we met our big baby boy weighing in at 9 pound 8 ounces. More than a pound more than his sister was! We woke a very confused Miryam to meet her brother, had a snack and all got in bed together to snuggle.
The next morning Miryam got some serious snuggle time with her brother. Throughout my pregnancy she was sure that it was a sister in my belly but once she met Eamon and kissed his chubby cheeks she didn't seem to mind the change in plans. She is really fantastic with him, very thoughtful and sweet. She fetches diapers, lets him suck on her finger when he is sad during diaper changes and gives him endless kisses. It's so wonderful (and tear provoking) to see my family together welcoming its newest member. I think we all feel like we were holding a space for Eamon even before we knew him.
We're enjoying our babymoon in the beautiful spring weather. Andy has two weeks of from teaching which is wonderful! The weather has been warm enough to bring out Miryam's little pool so we have spent much of out time porch-sitting, blowing bubbles and drawing with sidewalk chalk. I've got my family, a cold drink a sunhat and an adarondack chair. Now, really, is there anything better than that?
Congrats! They look so freaking adorable together. And oh that picture of you all in the sun just makes me sigh. Such a content moment!
He's such a sweetie, and so healthy looking; born half reared as they'd say here! Congratulations.
For some bizarre reason I never realised you had a blog, I'll certainly be adding to my blogroll. xxx
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